I did tweet you, replying to this one https://twitter.com/JeffBezos/status/1058012110947373057
you may have been too busy to look on twitter, so I thought I’d dare to e-mail you directly hoping that as I am having to e-mail outside of the amazon system it won’t be blocked. I did ask for a log in to get through to you, but even though they said that no idea is a silly idea they haven’t trusted me with one, which feels excluding. I found your e-mail address by looking at the badges page, others were looking at this and I joined in, and asking if my device login e-mail was my e-mail address and obviously linked the two up. I did ask a manager about contacting you and he said no idea is a silly idea at Amazon, bit scary, please don’t sack me for this, here we go.
Additional edit: Recently I have been invited to the Blue Badge process and have been told it is just a matter of time and this will go through. I have asked if that will mean I will get a login, and the manager who is dealing with it said yes, another said no, so I thought I would not wait any longer as with all this yes and no lark for far too long we have already missed a harvest for the straws this year, which is infuriating, as I was only after a login to save the planet, and other people’s stupid power struggles seem to matter more still. Two days ago on 9/11 there was an accident at work, which partially I foresaw the day before to no response from the manager who said no recently. I could have been blinded. They took photos of all the things but not me or any of my injuries, the first aider put the plaster on which was near my eye with the sticky bit on the wound so when I took the plaster off it bled again. They were cruel to me the day after, more interested in defending themselves, and I worked more than one person’s workload, with another manager I used to trust saying unfairly come on Clare, the moments before I left for home on the day of the accident he said for me to say it was something else. We have been harassed for our responses on the devices, with them wanting very positive responses from us as it affected them, no longer is honesty above all, tyranny is establishing itself, one further example is the rule of no food or drink in the warehouse where the sedentary directing managers flout this rule openly with both whilst the rest struggle on, they have lost understanding of the need for rest for their staff. We are perceived as avatars not people. There is more I can tell you. I was brave because having survived 911 said to myself “you’re not dead” but now I feel very very alone and wondering why what was the point of me preventing WWIII at that point and recently to prevent Europe sliding further as the circumstances are similar to previous to WWII. It really hurts. I am not wealthy so have to work hard, and I am otherwise alone in the world, pretty much like your Dad was, so have been fighting to survive, I cannot afford to just give up.
I have lost hope recently as I decided when I was younger that I wouldn’t have children until I’d saved the world and made it a better place for them, I’ve not yet had kids, depressing because I may have left it too late – they panic women on tv but do not help support those without partners in finding love. So feel that although I prevented WWIII in my reaction to 911 and recently I have attempted to too in a satire of Mr Messy with Mr Strong, which has had some impact, what’s the point, I have no kids, what am I doing it for now, I am completely alone, nothing left to lose, so why not have a cull of humans, after all they cull deer when they say there are too many, and there are definitely too many bloody selfish humans right now, breathing and destroying the planet for every other creature and life on earth. If my kids have effectively been murdered, killed by others lack of looking after, care of me, I am effectively dead already, so why should I bother? This is my last gasp at trying.
This idea started as a result of one I had in the Warehouse area of Swindon Amazon Logistics. I was going to put it up on the Voice of the Associates thoughts and ideas Board, as I’ve done before, immediately successfully, then thought “This is bigger than that. This is something that all Amazon locations of all different types should and could do”, so I thought I’d directly communicate it to you. I’m not rich, but this one won’t cost you, so certainly not the earth, which is a relief. I did suggest to Madonna that I had an idea to turn deserts into forests, also reducing sea levels, renewing the face of the earth, she did write the Live Earth “Hey You” single about me really, though until I worked @ amazon I didn’t fully get what it was all about, thinking it was designed for the American market to motivate them and she’s agreed to it because I was going on and on a bit. Whoever I’ve influenced and influence, I’m a bit of an inspiration but that doesn’t pay. Hopefully at least one of my ideas will make money flow and some will trickle to me.
It started by looking at the water dispensers and in particular the plastic cups, from trying to save one in my pocket to use again, because I thought single use was such a waste, found it cracked open rather quickly so was useless. Obviously there’s the single use plastic issue – your brand new ATS system is brilliant, a lot of younger associates find them fun, they do feel more play than work and why not. I decided to use a little bottle, one of those with teeth lifting opening at the top and it worked, as small in capacity as a cup, but secure and useful when most work is done away from the dispensers and to drink a whole load at once would make another different trip necessary. I went to university as a mature student in 2002 after I should have died in 9 11 and in the second year there was a Drugs, Politics and Society course where we saw a film ‘Hemp for Victory’ as it turns out the WWI airplanes were made of hemp canvas, I went on to discover Hemp could make a lot of things, including plastic bottles. I would have us use little hemp plastic bottles everywhere – as they are not easily available, they could be an amazon brand. I went on to look for other products we could use, I use a reusable coffee cup for the good coffee machines at work, knowing the paper cups contain a layer of plastic, also thinking probably a machine was out of order simply as it had run out of these. Do you remember the Murdoch’s being interviewed in a Select Committee in Parliament – Louise Mensch was there, James said certain things were not ‘top of mind’ ! I have noticed, as you would have done, the direct correlation between positive and negative publicity and news coverage on Amazon’s sales. This made me think, after finding bamboo coffee cups at amazon, that issuing these free with amazon pantry – allowing the purchaser to choose their preferred amazon smiley design (and colour; orange and black / green and blue … eg.s) this would make Amazon top of mind at all times – the bottles I mentioned for Associates could also be gifted – good constant advertising.
This led me on to think of an idea. I have been sparking since working at Amazon since November last year, I have regained my pre 9 11 mind, 50% of my reason to want to stay with Amazon (there was an opportunity I could have applied to for £2 more p/h down the road) was a member of staff, his background country I think is Pakistani, he loves cricket. I did think of using cricket to make peace in the Middle East as the colours of the sport matches their flags, that comes within fitness thoughts for a future concept. I have said I liked him, not saying why, it is weird but he has made me feel better. As I have not said why this baffles other managers, because he has by being kind and in control (another one is mild and calm) as especially recently it has been demanded that we love those who wanted us dead – so this is a joy of an encounter, he likes to dance too – he is I reckon too young for anything inappropriate that is not what this is all about – it is the joy of the recovery of the mind I thought through serious PTSD was gone forever. Although since the new system post peak I have not seen him so the effect is starting to fade, I have thought up a rolling input and output which is expandable, so I can see him again for that effect, I am working the quiet PM shift, I was on the busy AM but was given more job security, it was getting quieter there then, if I took PM at that time, so I did, which now makes me feel as lonely as an animal about to go extinct, I am very sad. I long for peak, a permanent perpetual peak for the buzz of it and all kinds of people all around. I did request a return to AMs which went well for a while but others promoted who weren’t as flexible or as giving being painfully uppity, my having lost social contact and status within the group, and not having had the stimulation of novelty meant yesterday was a hellish day, I felt attacked from all sides like an animal pursued by trophy hunters in for the kill. I cried a lot when I got home. I still feel angry today, even after and during visiting a crop circle which was about the war on the environment signalling the way to win it. Earlier in the week I had experienced a more positive feeling of one located in CHILtON CAN-DOver the place name a sign, with telephone boxes as Madonna’s song Hung Up is because I have one containing my CDs and there was an avenue of Yews on Grass, hay yew, Hey You the Live Earth song by her, for me, up to a Restoration period house, the crop circle was a little flower of life.
The other 50% is the attitude to fitness, hence resisting a food store opportunity, and all kinds of health, this is the first place ever in my 50 years of life that has taken inappropriate behaviour seriously, so I have no desire to go elsewhere right now, apart from the 3 young men who used to be my friends now feel above me which makes me feel painfully lone yet again, and as I am not in a supervisor or management role being apart and alone isn’t a positive expected experience. Memories of other ideas which I was to propose to other places, but found their cynicism and fear of being sacked or being seen as seriously insubordinate started to re-enter my mind. Amazon is Amazing! Others include transport systems I tried to get trusted partnerships for – as patents have a limit kept them in mind rather than risking them in the open – but found no-one trustworthy. I have been told that you don’t get sacked for ideas at amazon. I feel nervous, but wish to take that risk, as the idea I had for amazon is something the young are in a panic about. It is urgent. If I had been taken seriously – apart from Rainbow Recycling which is how it is now done – we would not be in this particular panic right now.
Amazon e
e Stands for earth, eco-logcal, environmental, electricity, educational, it is a mixture of all these.
- A) e 4 earth – agricultural – food consumption – I go around crop circles and was thinking of ways to secure access to them and noted that when walking through recently harvested fields after it had been raining the stiff waterproof and waterlogged stems pinged liquid at me. I was thinking of a market for this straw idea I had, considering McDonalds (who have issues with their new paper ones) for the yellow barley and Starbucks for the browner wheat ones. I have been thinking of harvesting techniques prior to contacting any farmers because you’ve got to have all your thoughts in a row before you do, and then a secure market for the product, presenting them in string like bales and with round crop circle designs at the end to protect the holes. There are steel and others which require washing, but there are many single use occasions and the concern about cleaning a narrow tube properly, certainly biodegradable, but evidently up to long periods standing up in the wet, so the original and best, ideal.
- B) e 4 eco – home and work products that are not food, e.g. cleaning products, shopping bags…
- C) e 4 environmental – gardening and planting that is not necessarily food based but does included seeds and fruit trees, other creatures, other animals; on land, in the air and in water too.
- D) e 4 electricity – generation, transportation (I have had a transport system idea since well before the internet, the difference with mine over the others is that I’ve always thought that carrying the engine was not efficient as they and batteries are heavy, basic physics, the idea is very extensive. Honda, who are very lovely, I have worked with them twice, are closing production nearly next door to the site where I work with you, because the model made there is out of time, their electric model which carries everything is being manufactured elsewhere. The site is based on an airfield. RAF Fairford which has one of the World’s Biggest and best Airshows the RIAT, is just up the road, it was designed with an extraordinarily long runway to accommodate the Shuttle, jolly convenient) Ford as on the News right now are making people redundant, ending in 2020. The Honda site is near Swindon’s Amazon, they are leaving in 2020, that could be useful if you are interested, with your help we could save some jobs about to be lost whilst saving the planet. I have had a clear 2020 vision of a transport system, I have had inventor friends including Trevor Baylis, the clockwork radio chap, who proposed to me once, and I went to his house twice, I thought the age gap too much, probably correct as he died on my birthday last year.
- E) e 4 education – I think that is self-explanatory and I do not need to lecture you on that. With a youngster informing the world it is embarrassing, although if they had listened to me a bit more than they did – not try to get rid of me to sell oil (happened to others before) then we would not be where we are today. I did go to a Science Museum open day at what was RAF Wroughton, again up the road, so lucky to live where I do, where the London Museum houses its large exhibits, and was treated to a race between 3 vehicles dated between 1900-1910, 1 was steam, 2nd petrol and the 3rd electric – they all went at a good rate, we should have been totally electric before both of us were born, and yet still we live in the oil dark ages, I find that extremely frustrating.
The e would look like an e as in smile.amazon then morph into an amazon prime e as it lifted up to create an @ like circle – so it would look like earth with an equator, then a wave, then the blue hue of atmosphere – I could create a logo that was a scaleable ttf either simple green (quick and considerate to load) or in colour (including sand yellow, greens and blues, with a whites for surf and ice in it) There is a programme called birdfont I have used before where I could do this on. I was thinking of making the @ symbol the lower case of an upper case encircled e in the font.
Amazon e – My vision is that it is a stamp that products on your site can get provided others agree that this is meriting of it. Then it can also be viewed on amazon-e.com etc.
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It can be a donation for a cause e.g. my Worthing of Wildlife idea on unin.us
Or getting involved – like my Free Food and Stuff boxes. This was inspired and guided by my dog-friend Trixie who tragically transitioned to heaven three months before I started with you, I said when she was alive that I wasn’t a two-timing bitch so feel I cannot get another dog but to dedicate my life to other species that are being deleted, dying out, to save them from extinction, she saved me as her partner now it is my turn to pass it on.
You can get an investment in wind or solar or an individual item to generate electricity at home or as a local collective. Power to the People!
It would be highly and hugely engaging encouraging a lot of personal internet and moving into real world conversations and actions. A lot of problems can be solved by people getting together, sometimes dark forces want to drive us all apart to hold us all back, so community is an essential ingredient.
People can suggest products they find which are not currently on amazon. I have seen many recently on crowdfunding pages, to get prospective orders, like pre-orders of upcoming albums may secure concrete finance for their items.
This is idea 1 of a number of them. One for elementary and middle school aged children, to follow on from a current retailer who was catering well for younger children, which I was about to propose to WH Smith whilst working for Travel Retail within the firm, but they had an item from the positive children’s programme Teletubbies and were being cynical about it so I felt they didn’t have the attitude for it, I wouldn’t be treated very well and that my idea would probably be nicked and I’d be sacked swiftly. This is not an unfounded fear as it had happened before, the first example was in my first job at IBM in 1987 where I said that PCs were the future, not mainframes, I witnessed over-sexual behaviour to frighten me and was moved about to make me feel uncomfortable and trained less keenly. After I’d gone they did drop their mainframes and went all PC. I could have been very big in computing. There are other examples. If more women had been invited in in the early days the internet would not be as violent a place and I feel would be more constructive – boys preferred war games, I preferred Gem Paint. The idea I had for WH Smith had a lot of capital As in it, so maybe the design was Ahead of it’s time and Amazon is the more Accurate fit. (I haven’t mentioned the name for it yet!)
I’ll see how you Earn Trust with this one, hopefully I’ll still be working with you. I know this is Think-ing Big!
“How Green You Are” is an idea I sent to the BBC in the late 80s to Going Live, the presenter Phillip Schofield warned On Air about protecting yourself from copyright infringement on Going Live when I submitted this little programme within a live show idea. This show shows that I have always been Green and have constantly tried to sort this all out for years, really it should have all been solved by now.
I wrote to Madonna and Sting years ago saying I had an idea that would turn all the deserts green, which is still in my mind and not yet in anybody else’s I have also said I have an idea for what I called Smellyvision (you watch for eg cooking programmes with no notion of taste and scents aren’t transmitted in the visual medium either) and 3D tv worked through ideas, working on them in mind, re-remembering, need to prototype – but as with transport (currently, I learnt yesterday that Honda’s closure, next door to DSN1, will result in 14,000 job losses (if transport wasn’t so young male dominated I think we’d have cracked this years ago)) and other inventions there is no point to a patent you cannot afford to support and you know you can’t go public until protected, so I’ve not been able to do this alone. After submitting the mini-programme to Going Live I started to have a list in my mind of new programme ideas, one is a language learning quiz show, amazingly and weirdly I have not yet heard of one worldwide.
Talking of the BBC they do interact with me, when I haven’t been eating healthily for a while, unconsciously, they air news clips to try to edit my behaviour, to no avail until they do one regarding very young children, then I’m in the room. I seemed to have developed a conscious awareness whilst with Amazon which I find amazing, so however hard it is sometimes this roller-coaster ride of personal development seems worthwhile. I do like weirdly whatever disciplinary approach that is being deployed here. I think the positive publicity that Amazon receives since I have started is probably due to them being stunned at this, tonnes have tried, and thinking perhaps it’s not tax after all. When they were describing, at a recycling depot, that this was what they called Amazon week, holding a Christmas box, post peak, on the lunchtime bulletin, and seeing I was anxious about my job security did not air it in the evening news, to not worry me, that sort of thing. I do influence, lead rather than manage, Theresa May wore a necklace on her first interview of the year which was reminiscent of the seasonal tape applied to parcels. The Brexit Party also with the progress arrow, change UK also tried with 4 lines and different stage place colours in these. I have tweeted Trump too as the negativity among certain groups was potentially deleting trade in trillions, I like him too for my own personal reasons (I can say, little long, some family) sounds strange coming from a woman I know, but he looks after his little people, and that’s what matters. Look at the 3 videos and lyrics of Medellin, Crave and I Rise. They match where I work with you. I can give you pointers as to the references. Madonna is weirdly telepathic with me, I’ve worked out, but as a weirdo too, I understand strange superpowers. Weirdness, is, I think, a feature of our generation. I think this is my main contribution to Amazon currently, though I strive to win in work and want to perform best at all times and be the best. It would be lovely to have a log in which I could use at home to work on and express ideas, an even quieter space to express than managers understandably need, some are too long for the board and involve pictures to illustrate them.
Seeing others who were my friends getting promoted and changing hi viz vest colour drawing them apart from me, really, really hurt and so, so low. I thought I’d give it another go as if I did very, seriously sadly lose my job at least I wouldn’t have to experience any more humiliation. It felt, relatively speaking, less risky, right now. It would be nice to work with my colleagues on my ideas, which they could manage and manage me too, creatives need management, Elvis would have lasted longer if he had been managed better, and by and large, they do do a good job. Perhaps post peak colleagues in logistics could do these in the Spring and early Summer lull, to secure them and to get out a bit while the sun shines, and deliver inside in the Winter.
Recent edit: I think I am currently reviewing my opinions of that last paragraph. I am very influential in my own right. The new Andrew Neil show on Wednesday evenings at 7 o’clock on BBC2 is a homage to the Prime truck, it is in Prime blue, with the exact grey for the backs of the trucks at the ends, the curve is the Amazon smile, and using the A & N in the logo is AmazoN . There are lines like the lanes in staging, sorting, delivery drivers.
I have recently responded to the complementary social media of Emmanuel Macron, he kept a Winter picture up on both Twitter and facebook as he wanted to say he cared about the loss of my dog friend, the dog has a number of similar features to mine, until I travelled to France in July, which is amazing for a significant President’s page! I recently ordered a French in 10 minutes a day on Amazon and his response at the G7 at Biarritz was to say “Order, order, Boris, order!” and take a watch off with a French flag strap design, I took stills and e-mailed myself it, which I could forward this on to you. He may have brought up the tax issue to wind me up and or to draw me away from here to him.
I hope to still be employed after this e-mail and hopefully working with you using more of my talent base, specially the bits that are unique to me alone.